(UK): BBC: Ramla shares success with tearful mum


When Ramla Tyrow walked on to the stage to collect her diploma, she shared that joy with one of the most important people in her life – her mum.
Ramla, 21, came to the UK in 1999 with her family to seek a better life and escape from the decades of civil war in Somalia.

«My mum moved us here to give us a better future. Somalia wasn’t a very child-friendly place then,» Ramla told the BBC.

«Just after the ceremony, my mum told me how unbelievably proud she was that I was the first person in her family to graduate from university.»
The heart-warming moment showing Ramla’s mother, Fardowsa, crying on her daughter’s shoulder has been shared thousands of times on Twitter.

The tweet is captioned: «Mama you ran from a civil war so I could be safe and get the education you didn’t.

«Today you cried when you saw me in my robe. Did it for you.»

Ramla attended Middlesex University in north-west London and obtained her degree in Psychology and Counselling.

«The day was really hectic but it was amazing,» she said.

Read more her: BBC.CO.UK


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